Tavi Draugi


Hello. We are your friends.

When the NGO was first established, our focus was on helping old people and families with financial issues. During December, we spread Christmas joy by bringing presents to kids from families who couldn’t afford it. 

Meanwhile, we were also attempting to find sponsors for the NGO who could allow us to continue this job.

Even though the NGO was established to support Latvians, after February 24, 2022, we broadened our outreach.

Now, our main focus is on helping Ukraine. We are supporting soldiers in Ukraine, civilians in deoccupied territories, those who are escaping from Ukraine, as well as Ukrainian refugees in Latvia.

Find out more:  www.tavidraugi.lv/en/

Support for camouflage nets
Any amount

The camouflage nets workshop has been operating since April 2023. Its team consists of enthusiastic pensioners - former participants of trench candle workshop at "Tavi draugi". The nets are being made for particular units of the Ukrainian troops.

Support for trench candles
Any amount

Trench candles have been used in military conflicts since the first half of the 20th century. Such candle burns for several hours and does not go out in the wind or a light rain. It can be easily carried when going on an assignment, provides heat and allows to cook food or boil water.

Support for "Творчі зустрічі" center
Any amount

Various cultural events organized by "Your Friends", such as the Sunflower March on the Independence Day of Ukraine, UN Refugee Day, concerts, Christmas events for children, Barricade Remembrance Day, etc., also help the refugees to settle in their new home - Latvia.

Support for vehicles purchasing, servicing and delivering to the Ukrainian armed forces
Any amount

After receiving numerous requests from the Ukrainian army for vehicles, „Tavi Draugi“ formed a team for fundraising and purchasing jeeps and other types of vehicles for the army needs.

Support for Ukrainian civilians in Latvia.
Any amount

Since March 2022, there have been more than 40,000 visits to our humanitarian aid point. Donations are accepted and sorted, and humanitarian aid is issued daily.

Support for Ukrainian civilians in Ukraine
Any amount

Since 26th of February, 2022, "Tavi draugi" is helping people in Ukraine with all kinds of needs; food, hygiene products, clothes, electronics etc.

Refuge support points on border
Any amount

Four assistance points, equipped with campers, snacks, warm drinks, and information, have been operating 24/7 since last year! Every day, approximately 1000 refugees from occupied territories cross the borders of Latvia!

Any amount

A group of Ukrainian soldiers called "Droni Kamikadzes" has taken the initiative to produce drones for military purposes during wartime, and they are actively seeking various ways to attract donations for their production.

Support for animal shelter
Any amount

"Tavi draugi" supports different organizations and shelters in Ukraine for rescued and injured animals.